Safety razor blades
Personna traditional shaving blade review by Edward.
Personna are an American brand who have over 135 years of traditional shaving history. Once the Kampf brothers, who patented the Star razor. Being the first safety razor patent way back In 1875. The 1920’s saw rise to there brand of blades like, Gem and Burma shave. Today, I Edward will test they’re Personna DE blades.
The blade Is medium In firmness, which In my experience makes a less prone cutting shave. I did have some slight alignment Issues with fitting It Into my Fatip Gentila, which In there defence can be a problem with the model of razor. Nonetheless Muhle and Feather blades fitted In quick.
Personna traditional shaving blade review
I had a 5 day growth to start, yes I know. I am sorry compatriots but In the week I am slogging away trying to keep you lot happy. But still the Personna did not have the easiest of start. I previously applied shaving oil and heavily submerged my face In the sink, then lathered my neck and throat. Which Is a renowned troublesome area.
Difficulty with my first pass and also overshadowed by the fact that I had been using feather traditional shaving blades, which are clearly far the sharper.
Using a blade buffing technique the Personna battled through the grain with consistency. I lathered my neck several times which has led to some light rash despite a large application of shaving oil. I gave my cheeks and mustache 2 passes which was ample, there Is a certain strength and consistency to the blades. Which I very much like.
Overall I will give Personna traditional shaving blade review a 6.8. I received a little rash, which Isn’t great, although I did have a relatively gnarly growth.
Also It was perhaps slightly biased as my last traditional shave was with the super sharp feather, nonetheless Personna are a sturdy shave.