Kent shaving brushes
Kent traditional shaving brushes, have been an English Institution since 1777. That Is well old, In fact When Kent opened, the dead sea was only unwell. They are based In Hertfordshire and are one of the queens brush makers. Which Is why Kent have the royal coat of arms on they’re logo.
The traditional shaving Black range
The black range Is the most popular with traditional shaving retailers like Edward’s, this range Is very well priced on the shaving brush market. Pure badger and silver tip badger are the two main options, there Is no best badger which Is a great middle ground usually In price. But Kent’s Silver tips are very reasonable, like the legendary BLK4 priced at £60. A solid pure badger example Is the BK4. All brushes In the Black range, come In a oxblood leather cylindrical case which Is some serious presentation.
Kent also have an abundant range of combs and hairbrushes a lot traditionally based, although traditional shaving Is fashionable. Kent Is and old English company, you will find the brand stocked In lots of high street chemists. In recent years Kent have brought out the Kent Infinity, which Is a very Inexpensive fiber shaving brush, at Edward’s we Implore this as customers should at least have a synthetic option. The Kent Bk12 Is the higher end of Kent brushes, with an retail price of £134. With an over all length of 122 mm and a bristle diameter of 85 mm she Is a beast. It Is a serious piece of shaving equipment, handling It you feel how packed the ring Is with silver tip hairs.
The English Institution that Is Kent makes great products, we at Edward’s are so very proud to sell which. They are perhaps Britain’s oldest brush makers, and we must support them. I can only hope that others do not sell to cheaply as I see some chemists do.
Kent traditional shaving brushes.