Safety razor

Advanced shaving techniques

By Edward

Now shaving is a necessity for most men, and some ugly women.  But It can have it’s downfalls like time, cuts, death, and razor burn. The following blog is a comprehensive list of advance shaving techniques. However for some I would recommend the mastery of basics. First prep yourself, I like shaving oil. We sell Osma traditional shaving oil, It will protect the neck from razor burn and help soften the beard.

Next Safety razors can cut the neck, some say stretch. Don’t Just learn the excellent shaving position named the bullfrog. Push your head back at the neck, thus appearing like a bullfrog. It seems to bounce of any possible cuts.

Blade buffing

This works with any razor, I sometimes use a mach 3 or a Fatip safety razor. How a barber would use this is razor doesn’t leave the skin and you go back and forward an inch and buff the hair off.

J Turn

This can be lethal but also makes for a great close shave, you need some surface area like a cheek. You pull the razor down an Inch then twist your Wrist 90 degrees, Resembling the letter J.

The Gillette Slide

This is gold dust, a long stroke down and at an angle it really cuts the grain careful not to slice though.


For any more advice on shaving please contact Edward’s. We realize that becoming a high standard of shaving takes time. But let’s face it you do it enough to be not bad at it and use good products. Why not try something else out of the realms of the norm and pick up a better way to shave. Edward’s will guide you by the hand into the world of proper gent’s grooming. Now we are ready to receive any questions.